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everything has a degree,the moon is full,the water is full,the water is overflowing.you can't say everything,you must grasp the proportions,you can't do everything,you have to leave room for it

there is no perfection in life,and flaws are also beautiful.an elegant life is the calmness of reading all the world,the wisdom of tasting the vicissitudes,and the indifference of passing through thousands of sails

life is not easy,life is not too long,there is no need to embarrass yourself,pursue too much,do not have to violate yourself,hurt yourself.know how to cherish the happiness around you and learn to appreciate what you have.if you can't move your back,you will put it down,if you can't afford it,you will look down on it,if you can't figure it out,you will throw it away,and if you can't hate it,you will smooth it out